Natale & Doug

Date – March 20th 2022

Venue – Hazel Gap, Nottinghamshire

Notes – Spring wedding, lots of fun and moments!


So this was my first wedding at the gorgeous Hazel Gap! To say I was excited would be a huge understatement! I’d been trying to work at this prestigeous Cripps & Co venue for quite a few years! As I always do for any new venue, I arrived early and had a good look around, so when the time came, I knew where everything was. With a venue like Hazel Gap, there’s so many gorgeous places for photos, I had to find them all!


The day started early and just a few miles down the road from Hazel Gap! It was a gorgeous little cottage hidden away in a nearby village. The light was stunning on location and the property just oozed character. It was a really action packed and fun morning to photograph. Natale’s brother had flew in from Australia and everyone was so excited to see him. Also there were plenty of kids having the time of their life, so I always make sure to include the younger generation too! Having two young girls myself, I know how important family is, especially on a wedding day. Capturing those moments is everything!


If any of you have followed me for awhile, you’ll know how much I love Cripps & Co wedding venues! There’s just something totally magical about them. The way they’re designed and built with great light in mind, makes them my favourite venues to work! Hazel Gap along with the other Cripps venues, look out of this world!

So how was the ceremony you ask? Full of emotion and lots of laughter! Natate & Doug’s friends and family were all up for a good time and this really showed! I love the banter and positive enery on a wedding day. For me it’s like a drug, being able to be in that environment and to capture it, doesn’t feel like work to me! The cermony is one of those times where people let down their guard. Grown men have been known to shed a tear and words can be jumbled up with nerves. All this little nuances are what I spend most my day looking for! These moments look even more magical when in great light and Hazel Gap has this in abundance!


So what was the rest of the day like at this Nottinghamshire wedding? With it being an early spring wedding, we were lucky enough to all get outside and enjoy the weather. Honestly I always prefer this where possible, It really gives the guests the time and space to have lots of amazing moments with the couple. The courtyard at Hazel Gap is perfect for this. It’s at this time, I am close and right up in the action, to really portray how it felt to be there in those very personal moments.

Speaking of moments, there were so many of them and that is the joy of weddings for me! No two weddings are ever the same and if you blink you’ll miss it! I am like a hawk all day just watching and waiting for the magic to happen! The whole day was just incredible to be a part of and It’s a wedding I won’t forget in a hurry! I feel very lucky to call myself a Hazel Gap wedding photographer and cannot wait to get back their later this spring!


I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Natale & Doug for allowing me to be a part of their big day! Another huge thank you to all the wonderful staff at Hazel Gap & Cripps & Co, as per it was flawless!


If you are looking for a laid-back, photojournalist style for your wedding photography, I might just be the photographer for you.